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Chain Sums



Game Description

Chain Sums is a free puzzle game. Sometimes you have to add it all up and sometimes you have to subtract it all. It is extremely hard to know what the right thing is to do sometimes and that is why math is so satisfying. Math is simple, it is straightforward, and math has absolute answers to specific questions. Math is right or it is wrong, there is no gray zone. That is what makes math so fun and it is why so many people love math. In Chain Sums, you will take control of the algorithm itself. It is your job to take all of the disparate numbers and their associated mathematical symbols and then place them in such an order that you will accomplish the goal. The goal of this game is to arrange and re-arrange the available numbers in such a way that you can chain them together in order to unlock the pre-determined sums at the top of the screen. At first, this will be easy and the numbers will just flow but it gets tricky, especially as there are more numbers and symbols added to the grid. But you can do it, it can be done. this is a puzzle game with a fixed outcome and all the data you need to achieve the outcome.


On your desktop or mobile device please use your mouse to point, click, and drag or your finger to tap and drag the various symbols and digits into the appropriate chains in order to equal the sums at the top of the screen.

Chain Sums Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateSep 9, 2021
DeveloperElio Landa

7954 plays


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