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Game Description is a free iogame. Gather, craft, build and destroy. In you are a riot cop who is out of control. Lost in the wild you'll be forced to gather different kinds of resources, craft them together, build yourself a base, venture out into the arena and take on other players from around the world who are doing the same thing that you are. It is a risky arena game of strategy nd luck. You'll have to think ahead but you'll also have to be quick on your toes because no matter how much you plan, no matter how smart you build you'll never be able to see every move from every opponent. Hunt the arena for weapon upgrades and try to find grenades, ammo, different kinds of guns and shelter. Use your ax to gather resources then retreat to a secluded part of the board to build your base. Hold off the opponents or confront them head-on and tear down their buildings. You will control the area, you will control the game! This is a rapid and ruthless top-down 2D shooter survival style game. Are you ready for it?


W,A,S,D or the Arrow Keys: Move your character. Mouse: Aim and fire. Scroll wheel: Selet ax or weapon. Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateFeb 13, 2020

35552 plays


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